Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
Robert Louis Stevenson
And the hunter home from the hill.
After a lifetime of adventures in the deeps of the corporate jungle and the searing frontiers of media, there comes a time to retire to a new set of adventures, accompanied by the one that was always the right one; just took a few decades to make it happen.
And that frees up time; the use of which is documented here. Entries are sporadic, comments permitted.
Most questions about the identity of the author are addressed in “Are You That Guy”.

The Old Original Charlie
Read more: The Old Original Charlie
Read more: EquimakeExperimenting with the Equimake online collaborative building platform. Basic account free, videos on YouTube and Vimeo can the played, photos can be linked from Imgur and Flickr, can import GLB files from Blender.
Jungle Highrise
Read more: Jungle Highrise