Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

Robert Louis Stevenson

After a lifetime of adventures in the deeps of the corporate jungle and the searing frontiers of media, there comes a time to retire to a new set of adventures, accompanied by the one that was always the right one; just took a few decades to make it happen.

And that frees up time; the use of which is documented here. Entries are sporadic, comments permitted.

Most questions about the identity of the author are addressed in “Are You That Guy”.

  • Moose Lake at dawn

    Read more: Moose Lake at dawn
  • Reasons To Be Cheerful Pt. 3

    Summer, Buddy Holly, the working follyGood golly, Miss Molly and boatsHammersmith Palais, the Bolshoi BalletJump back in the alley and nanny goatsEighteen wheeler Scammells, Dominica camelsAll other mammals plus equal votesSeeing Piccadilly, Fanny Smith and WillieBeing rather silly and porridge oatsA bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share itYou’re welcome…

    Read more: Reasons To Be Cheerful Pt. 3
  • For Guy

    I wished I was in Austin in the Chili Parlor BarDrinking Mad Dog Margaritas and not caring where you areBut here I sit in Dublin just rolling cigarettesHolding back and choking back the shakes with every breath So forgive me all my anger, forgive me all my faultsThere’s no need to forgive me for thinking…

    Read more: For Guy

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